So the other night a poster on a message board gave me a brilliant idea. She thought I should write a blog on the people you run into on the web, and I took it a step further and queried a magazine and wouldn't you know it, I heard back right away from a magazine interested in the premise. The idea is for me to follow several boards (I already do) and basically write about the posters. Obviously, I won't use real names. So I prepared a little questionaire for anybody who would like to help me out. We are lucky on this board that we have a pm feature, so nobody would have to worry about their email address. However, if you would prefer, I've set up a disposable email address to send to. The address is Please answer the questions in whatever way you interpret the questions to mean. Obviously, there is no right or wrong way. Again, no names will be used. If I need to use a name I'll make one up. I thank you all in advance for your help. Here are the questions:
1. Who are you?
2. How old are you?
3. Where do you post from?
4. Why do you post?
5. What is your favorite website?
6. What is your favorite all time thread?
7. How many people have you met in person after meeting on a message board?
8. How long have you been posting?
9. How many boards do you regularly post on?
10. Tell me something you want me to know.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Garlic, Jalapeno Dill Pickles
3 quarts water
1 quart vinegar
1 cup salt
fresh dill
Boil pickling jars. Wash cucumbers and stuff them in the jars. Add a flower of dill, a couple cloves of garlic and a couple jalapenos.
In another pot boil the water and vinegar. When the liquid comes to a fast boil pour it over the cucumbers in the jars. Put the lids on the jar and make sure they have a tight seal. Store for 10 days to 3 weeks depending on preference of crunchiness and fermentation.
1 quart vinegar
1 cup salt
fresh dill
Boil pickling jars. Wash cucumbers and stuff them in the jars. Add a flower of dill, a couple cloves of garlic and a couple jalapenos.
In another pot boil the water and vinegar. When the liquid comes to a fast boil pour it over the cucumbers in the jars. Put the lids on the jar and make sure they have a tight seal. Store for 10 days to 3 weeks depending on preference of crunchiness and fermentation.
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